NW Loss Prevention Consultants Blog
Mystery shoppers often come across surprising and strange things during their evaluations. Here are some unusual finds from mystery shopping experiences:
Expired Food & Odd Smells: Some mystery shoppers have reported finding food way past its expiration date on shelves and in the kitchen. There have even been cases of odd smells in restaurants, sometimes due to forgotten items like a dirty mop bucket tucked away in a corner.
Questionable Behavior from Employees: Mystery shoppers have witnessed employees doing things far beyond normal customer service lapses. From employees sleeping on the job to heated arguments between staff members, some strange scenes unfold in front of shoppers meant to stay unnoticed.
Surprise Pets: A few shoppers have reported pets — even a stray cat or dog wandering the aisles of a retail store, or in one case, a parrot kept behind the counter by a cashier who insisted it was part of the “store experience.”
Weird Displays and Decorations: Out-of-place decor can sometimes baffle shoppers. For example, one store displayed a mannequin dressed in clothes from a completely different season, or had Christmas decorations up in the middle of July!
Bizarre Product Placement: In one case, a shopper reported children’s toys placed in the liquor section, and in another, office supplies among groceries. Sometimes, it’s an oversight — or an unusual attempt at creative marketing.
Too-Friendly Employees: Occasionally, employees can be overly enthusiastic, talking with the shopper as though they’re long-lost friends. Some mystery shoppers have been invited to events or given very personal advice, which can blur the line of professionalism.
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